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Friday, September 28, 2007

Come One, Come All to the 50th NBA Carnival

Carnival of the NBA #50 is being hosted by Blog-a-Bull, where the Carnival of the NBA began in February 2005 (the site was known as Bulls Blog back then). My contribution this time around was a post about Bill Russell talking about his friendship with Red Auerbach. Matt from Blog-a-Bull mentions that he is not a big Celtics fan, which is certainly understandable coming from someone who runs a website devoted to the Chicago Bulls, but he helpfully advises his readers that 20 Second Timeout contains many articles about the history of the NBA. Regular readers of this site know that there is in fact a lot of Bulls related content here but for the benefit of visitors from Blog-a-Bull--and anyone else who is interested in Chicago Bulls history--this is a small sample:

Phil Jackson: Zen and the Art of Winning Championships looks back at how Jackson has been able to be so successful while coaching superstars, which is not nearly as easy as some people seem to think. Most of the post focuses on Jackson's early years in Chicago.

Pro Basketball's Greatest Ball Hawks includes references to Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Ben Wallace (who has of course made the Rodman-like transformation from hated Piston to beloved Bull).

Chicago Bulls Retire Scottie Pippen's Jersey not only summarizes why Pippen is rightly listed among the NBA's 50 Greatest Players but includes an exclusive and previously unpublished interview that I did with him on March 22, 2004.

Scottie Pippen's Place in Basketball History refutes the idea that Pippen was merely along for the ride during the Bulls' six championship seasons.

The Ultimate "Five Tool" Players explains that during the 1994-95 season Scottie Pippen became one of only five NBA/ABA players to lead his team in scoring, rebounding, assists, steals and blocked shots in the same season.

posted by David Friedman @ 2:43 AM



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