20 Second Timeout is the place to find the best analysis and commentary about the NBA.

Friday, June 29, 2007

When Looking for Sports Commentary, Don't Settle for Less Than the BEST

It seems like there are more sports commentators than ever but the dramatic increase in quantity has hardly led to a corresponding increase in quality. It is so easy to start up a website that even a caveman could do it and, judging by some of the ones I've seen, more than a few apparently have. This website only covers NBA basketball, so I have decided to launch a new site as a forum for my commentary on other sports: BestEverSportsTalk.

The acronym "BEST" is both easy to remember and a reflection of the site's credo: "No fluff, no rumors, no nonsense--just the best sports analysis and commentary." The plan is to post at least one essay a week discussing and analyzing an important person or issue from the world of sports. The first essay examines the remarkable career of Frank Thomas, who just joined the 500 home run club:

The Big Hurt Smashes a Powerful Blast For Steroids-Free Slugging

posted by David Friedman @ 5:57 AM



At Friday, June 29, 2007 6:01:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new site.
By the way, it should be expected that a bigger quantity will degrade the quality.
The lower the entry bar, the more mediocrity.
But what's wrong with that? As long as people are happy that should suffice.


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